Read in English below about the effects of the strike at Wihuri Metro-tukku!
Palvelualojen ammattiliiton mahdollinen lakko 17.–20.2.2025 ja muut työtaistelutoimet vaikuttavat Wihuri Metro-tukun toimituksiin ja muihin toimintoihin eri tavoin.
PAM on julistanut lakon ja muita työtaistelutoimia kaupan alalle. Mahdollinen lakko alkaa ma 17.2.2025 klo 05.00 ja päättyy to 20.2.2025 klo 05.00. Mahdollisen lakon aikana emme pysty takaamaan toimituksia asiakkaillemme, joten ohjeistamme asiakkaitamme aloittamaan lakkoon varautumisen ja tilaamaan pidemmän säilyvyyden tuotteita ennakkoon viikoille 6 ja 7.
Lue alta, miten lakko tulee vaikuttamaan toimintaamme.
- Asiakkaidemme viimeinen toimituspäivä ennen lakkoa on (HUOM. riippuen sovitusta toimitusrytmistä) ma 17.2.2025 ja ensimmäinen mahdollinen lakon jälkeen pe 21.2.2025.
- Pyrimme pitämään pikatukkumme lakon aikana auki, mutta aukioloaikoihin voi tulla rajoituksia.
The Effects of the PAM's strike for 17.–20.2.2025 at Wihuri Metro-tukku
The strike by Service Union United PAM from February 17-20, 2025, and other industrial actions will affect Metro-tukku's deliveries and other operations in various ways.
PAM has declared a strike and other industrial actions in the retail sector. The possible strike will begin on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 05:00 and end on Thursday, February 20, 2025, at 05:00. During the possible strike, we will not be able to guarantee deliveries to our customers, so we advise our customers to start preparing for the strike and to order products with a longer shelf life in advance for weeks 6 and 7.
Read below to see how the strike will affect our operations.
- The last delivery day for our customers before the strike is (NOTE: depending on the agreed delivery schedule) Monday, February 17, 2025, and the first possible delivery after the strike is Friday, February 21, 2025.
- During the possible strike, we are unable to guarantee deliveries to our customers. Delivery times may differ from the agreed times before and after the strike, and there may be shortages in product availability.
- We will strive to deliver to critical infrastructure sites also during the strike.
- We aim to keep our cash-and-carry stores open during the strike, but there may be restrictions on opening hours.
- The strike may also affect the opening hours of our customer service.
We are actively following the situation and will inform our customers via when we receive more information.